Tallowtree is the name of several trees that produce a waxy substance. The tree’s “tallow” can be used in place of animal tallow for traditional candle making. Today, mineral or vegetable waxes are usually used instead of tallow in candle making. In the past, the tree most often used for its tallow was the Chinese tallowtree. The seeds of this tree hang on waxlike threads among the leaves. Workers crushed and boiled the seed capsules and seeds and skimmed off the tallow as it rose to the surface. The tallow was then melted and refined.

The Chinese tallowtree has been planted as a shade tree and along streets in the Southeastern United States for more than 100 years. It now grows wild in areas along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Its leaves flutter in the slightest breeze and give it the appearance of a poplar. The leaves turn brilliant red in autumn.