Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, << tee EHP uh `loh,` joh VAH nee baht TEES tah >> (1696-1770), sometimes called Giambattista Tiepolo, was the last important painter of the Venetian group. He began as an admirer of Paolo Veronese, but he soon developed a grand, colorful mural style that became popular in Europe during the 1700’s. Many of his murals portray historical scenes and fantastic allegories. They show active figures painted in lively pastel colors.
Tiepolo was born on March 5, 1696, in Venice. After 1750, he worked mainly in Germany and Spain. His works include decorations for the archbishop’s palace in Wurzburg, Germany, and the Royal Palace in Madrid. Some of Tiepolo’s small oil sketches for his large murals are displayed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. He died on March 27, 1770.