Tilden, Bill (1893-1953), was an American tennis champion known for his powerful serve and forehand. Tilden won the United States National Championships (now the U.S. Open) seven times during the 1920’s. He led the U.S. team to Davis Cup victories every year from 1920 to 1926. Tilden was the first American man to win the Wimbledon Championship in England, winning the title in 1920, 1921, and 1930.
William Tatem Tilden II was born on Feb. 10, 1893, in Philadelphia. He left amateur tennis in 1930 and played as a professional touring the United States Tilden was a student of the game known for his understanding of tactics and strategy. His book Match Play and the Spin of the Ball (1925) is considered a tennis classic. Tilden died on June 5, 1953.
See also Tennis .