
Tofu, << TOH foo, >> is a food made of soybean curds pressed into cakes or blocks. Tofu originated in China more than 1,000 years ago. Today, tofu is a major source of protein throughout east Asia. Many people in Europe and North America also eat tofu.

Tofu salad
Tofu salad

Tofu, formerly known as bean curd, resembles custard or a soft white cheese. It is usually prepared by first soaking, grinding, and boiling soybeans. A thickening agent, such as calcium sulfate or magnesium chloride, is then added, causing the protein in the beans to form a custardlike substance called curd.

Tofu has little taste of its own, but it picks up the flavors of the foods it is cooked with. Tofu contains no cholesterol. It is rich in calcium and low in calories.

Chunks of tofu can be prepared in many ways and added to many dishes. Tofu may also substitute for a variety of foods in recipes. For example, tofu can take the place of sour cream in dips and dressings. It may be used in place of eggs and dairy products in cheesecake and ice cream. Tofu can also take the place of meats in stir fries and other dishes.