Venom << VEHN uhm >> is a poisonous substance produced by many kinds of animals. Animals usually transmit venom by injection, generally by biting, stinging, or stabbing. They use venom to injure or kill prey, or to fight off attackers. Venom also may help some animals digest prey. Animals that produce venom are described as venomous.
Venom is found in many kinds of animals. Certain snakes, spiders, and scorpions are well known for their venom. A wide variety of insects use venom, including ants, bees, wasps, and certain true bugs and moths. Many kinds of fish are venomous. Even some mammals are venomous.

Venom contains many toxic substances that act together to poison an animal. These substances differ among different kinds of venomous animals. Some venoms include poisons that block the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle cells, thus causing numbness and paralysis. Certain substances in venom slow or stop the heart. Many venoms also break down the walls of blood capillaries, thus causing swelling and massive bleeding. Some venoms contain poisons that cause blood to clot. Others contain substances that prevent clotting.
Venomous animals use various parts of their bodies to inject the poison into other animals. When a venomous snake bites, the venom passes through its fangs into an animal’s body. Some venomous snakes can also squirt venom from their fangs without biting, usually to target an attacker’s eyes. Many kinds of fish use sharp, bony spines to inject venom. Bees, hornets, and wasps have stingers for poisoning their prey. Most kinds of spiders inject venom by biting. Scorpions use a sting on their tail to shoot venom into prey.
Venom may be used to treat illness. A variety of venoms can be used to relieve pain. Venoms may have uses in the treatment of stroke and other ailments that involve blood clotting. Venoms also can be useful in biological research. For instance, venoms that block the transmission of nerve impulses have served as a tool in the study of nerve function.