
Victoria (1819-1901) was queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 1837 to 1901. The United Kingdom reached the height of its power during this period. It built a great colonial empire that stretched around the world and achieved tremendous industrial expansion at home. The time of Victoria’s reign is often called the Victorian Age.

Early years.

Victoria was born at Kensington Palace in London on May 24, 1819. She was the only child of Edward, Duke of Kent, fourth son of George III, and of Victoria Maria Louisa, daughter of Francis, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Saalfeld. Victoria’s father died before she was a year old, and she was reared by her mother.

Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria

Victoria’s uncle King William IV died on June 20, 1837. He had no heirs, and so she succeeded to the throne. Victoria was crowned queen at Westminster Abbey on June 28, 1838. Lord Melbourne served as her first prime minister and educated her in politics and government.

Events of her reign.

Many important events took place during Victoria’s reign. The United Kingdom acquired the island of Hong Kong after fighting China in the First Anglo-Chinese War (1839-1842), also known as the First Opium War. The country also fought in the Crimean War (1853-1856) against Russia, and in the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902 to protect its interests in southern Africa.

World's first postage stamp
World's first postage stamp

In 1858, control of India was transferred from the British East India Company, a trading firm, to the British government. Victoria became empress of India in 1877. The United Kingdom seized control of Egypt and many other areas. British colonies united in Australia and Canada, and these countries became important members of the growing British Empire.

British Empire under Queen Victoria
British Empire under Queen Victoria

British industries benefited from the expanding empire and made the United Kingdom the richest country in the world. The United Kingdom ended restrictions on foreign trade, and its colonies became both sources of raw materials and markets for its manufactured goods. The United Kingdom was called the workshop of the world. The British Empire included a fourth of the world’s land and a fourth of its people.

The population of the United Kingdom itself increased 50 percent during Victoria’s reign, and the United Kingdom changed from mainly an agricultural to mainly an industrial nation. More people won the right to vote, and local government became increasingly democratic. The British Parliament passed acts that improved labor conditions, required all children to attend school, and reformed the civil service. In Ireland, the Protestant Church of Ireland was separated from the government, and the land system was reformed.


The British people had lost respect for the throne when Victoria became queen. But she showed herself to be a hard-working monarch concerned with the welfare of her people, and she gained their affection and admiration.

Queen Victoria in 1897
Queen Victoria in 1897

Victoria was a wise and capable monarch. But the success of the United Kingdom was due chiefly to her able prime ministers, including Lord Melbourne, Sir Robert Peel, Viscount Palmerston, Benjamin Disraeli, William Gladstone, and the Marquess of Salisbury. Gradually the queen had to accept that the British monarchy would not survive unless its powers were reduced and her ministers in Parliament were allowed to rule the nation. Victoria accepted the switch from political ruler to symbolic ruler. For this reason, Britain’s monarchy has survived, while the monarchies of most other countries have not.

Personal life.

In February 1840, Queen Victoria married a cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. They had four sons and five daughters. The prince was a scholar, philanthropist, and businessman, and the people came to respect him. He actively assisted his wife in her royal duties. Albert died in 1861, and Victoria never recovered from her grief at his loss. She withdrew from social activities and dressed in black for many years. Victoria died on Jan. 22, 1901, and her eldest son became King Edward VII.

Death of Prince Albert of the United Kingdom
Death of Prince Albert of the United Kingdom