New Age movement

New Age movement is a popular cultural movement that began in the early 1970’s. The movement calls for keeping the body, mind, and spirit in harmony. Its followers believe in intuition (immediate understanding) and direct experience rather than science and rational thought.

Lotus position in yoga
Lotus position in yoga

The New Age movement takes a strong interest in personal development. Followers often rely on spiritual means to achieve self-help. Such Asian religions as Zen Buddhism and the yoga school of Hinduism play a major role in the movement’s spiritual life. New Age also emphasizes the occult (magic) and caring for the environment. Many followers believe in the coming of an age of peace and love.

Healing both the body and mind is central to the movement. New Age supports a holistic approach to health that is based on the interrelationship of many factors, including family relationships and working conditions. Many New Agers seek alternative health care, such as acupuncture and remedies made from herbs, rather than traditional Western medical treatments.

Hand with acupuncture needle
Hand with acupuncture needle

New Age music attempts to encourage spiritual well-being and inner peace through relaxation and meditation. New Age music typically is instrumental music that features such soothing instruments as the bamboo flute, chimes, and tuned crystals.