Preble, Edward

Preble, << PREHB uhl, >> Edward (1761-1807), an American naval officer, bombarded Tripoli (now in Libya) in 1804. In 1803, he took command of a squadron sent to the Mediterranean Sea to protect American ships and sailors from warships of the Barbary States of North Africa. After the Tripoli forces captured the United States frigate Philadelphia, he sent Stephen Decatur on a spectacular surprise mission to destroy it (see Decatur, Stephen ). Preble obtained light gunboats at Naples, Italy, and conducted a spirited bombardment of Tripoli.

Preble was born in Portland, Maine, on Aug. 15, 1761. At the time, Maine was part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He ran away to sea at 16 and served with the Massachusetts state navy during the American Revolution (1775-1783). Preble was patriotic, self-sacrificing, disciplined, and decisive. He became a hero and model to officers who led the U.S. Navy in the War of 1812. Preble died on Aug. 25,1807.