Morrison, Herbert Stanley

Morrison, Herbert Stanley (1888-1965), was one of the leaders of the British Labour Party. He began his career as an errand boy and a telephone operator, and rose to become foreign secretary of his country.

Morrison served during World War II as home secretary and minister of home security in the coalition government of 1940 to 1945. He was a powerful member of Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s war Cabinet, even though he had been a conscientious objector in World War I. In Prime Minister Clement Attlee’s Labour government of 1945-1951, Morrison served as lord president of the council, leader of the Labour majority in the House of Commons, and deputy prime minister. He served briefly as foreign secretary in 1951. He lost his government post when the Conservative Party came into power in 1951. Morrison became Baron Morrison of Lambeth in 1959. He was born in Brixton, England.