
Cellulite, << SEHL yuh lyt or SEHL yuh leet, >> is a term used to describe lumpy, dimpled fat deposits beneath the skin. Cellulite occurs most often on the body where fat deposits are thickest, usually on the hips, thighs, and buttocks. Cellulite can also occur on the arms, stomach, and other parts of the body. Beneath the skin, a honeycomb pattern of connective tissue separates the skin from the underlying muscle. Connective tissue is a network of cells that connects, supports, and encloses other tissues and organs of the body. Fat deposits that form in the spaces of the connective tissue bulge outward, causing the dimpled appearance of cellulite. Cellulite is not harmful, and physicians consider it a normal condition that does not require medical treatment. Most people, however, consider cellulite unsightly and annoying.

Cellulite affects women more than men. Up to 80 percent of women over age 30 have some cellulite on their body. Due to hormonal differences, women tend to have more fat on the thighs and hips, where cellulite is most likely to occur. Some physicians think that differences in the structure of the connective tissue between men and women are responsible. Men have connective tissue underneath the skin that is stretched tightly over the muscle keeping it smooth. In women, the connective tissue is often loose and discontinuous, allowing fat deposits to form in gaps, causing cellulite.

Products that supposedly fight cellulite include creams, body wraps, dietary supplements, and various massage techniques. One technique uses electronic rollers to vigorously massage the skin and temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. Physicians agree, however, that most other products sold to eliminate cellulite have little or no effect, and some may even be hazardous. Body wraps work by compressing the tissue and squeezing water out from between the fat cells, which can cause dangerous dehydration. Cellulite-reducing creams have a moisturizing effect that may temporarily smooth the skin, but have no effect on cellulite. Most physicians recommend a healthy diet combined with regular exercise to reduce excess fat and increase muscle as the best way to reduce and improve the appearance of cellulite.