
Coursing is a field sport, popular in many countries, in which two greyhounds compete in pursuing a hare. People called beaters drive a hare toward the slipper, the person in charge of the two dogs. When the hare approaches within sight of the dogs, but far enough away to give it a start, the slipper releases the dogs and they pursue it.

Generally, one of the dogs kills the hare, but it may escape. Pickers-up catch the greyhounds at the end of the course, whether the dogs catch their quarry or not. The course lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes. The winner is the dog that the judges decide did most toward catching the hare.

The rules of coursing were drawn up in England in the late 1500’s, when coursing was a popular rural pastime. Coursing has always been extremely popular in Ireland. Many people and organizations oppose hare coursing as a cruel blood sport.