
Blondie is a popular comic strip created by American cartoonist Chic Young in 1930. The strip portrays the zany adventures of Blondie Bumstead and her husband, Dagwood. The strip also features their children, Alexander and Cookie; the family dog, Daisy; Dagwood’s blustery boss, Julius Dithers, and his wife, Cora; mailman Mr. Beasley; Herb and Tootsie Woodley, the Bumsteads’ neighbors; and Elmo Tuttle, a neighborhood child. Dagwood is fond of taking naps and assembling and eating huge, elaborate sandwiches as snacks. The series became known for its portrayal of suburban family life.

By the late 1930’s, “Blondie” was one of the most popular comic strips in the world. The characters appeared in a series of 28 motion pictures from 1938 to 1950, starring Arthur Lake as Dagwood and Penny Singleton as Blondie. A popular radio comedy series was broadcast from 1939 to 1950. The characters briefly appeared on two television series, one in 1957 and the other in 1968 and 1969.