World Book pronunciation key

World Book pronunciation key. World Book provides pronunciation for many unusual or unfamiliar words, either with the article title or where the word appears in the text. In the pronunciation, the words are divided into syllables and respelled according to the way each syllable sounds. The syllables appear in italic letters. For example, here is an article title along with the respelled pronunciation for it:

Adelaide << AD uh `LAYD` >>.

The syllable that bears the greatest emphasis when the word is spoken appears in capital letters. If the word is long enough to have a syllable that receives secondary emphasis, that syllable appears in small capitals. More than one pronunciation appears for words that have several accepted pronunciations in English, for words that have distinctive pronunciations in other languages, and for names that have distinctive local pronunciations, such as Arkansas << AHR kuhn `saw` or ahr KAN zuhs >> River.