
Quinceañera, << keen say ah NYAIR ah, >> is a coming-of-age celebration for girls around their 15th birthday. It is celebrated in many Latin American countries, including Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru; and in Puerto Rico and among Latino American communities in the United States. The term quinceañera comes from the Spanish words for fifteen and years, and also means a 15-year-old girl. Many scholars and historians believe the quinceañera tradition originated in ancient Aztec society. During the 1500’s, following the Spanish conquest of Mesoamerica (Mexico and Central America), the ancient ritual was adapted to Christianity. The tradition grew in popularity throughout Latin America during the 1800’s.

Two girls celebrating quinceañera
Two girls celebrating quinceañera

Quinceañera customs vary somewhat among countries. The celebration typically is structured much like a wedding. It has both religious and nonreligious elements. For the ceremony, the honored girl, who is also called the quinceañera, is dressed in formal adult attire, such as a ball gown, and attended by several damas (female attendants) and their chambelanes (young male escorts), all of whom are also around 15 years of age. Together, they walk up the aisle of a church and celebrate a special service, often a thanksgiving Mass, with family and friends. During the ceremony, the quinceañera is presented with symbolic gifts from her parents and selected padrinos (godparents). Gifts often include a Bible, a rosary, a tiara (small crown), and jewelry that has religious significance.


Several other rituals are performed at a banquet or party that follows the religious ceremony. Some of the activities include a formal dance by the quinceañera and her father, followed by a group dance with her damas and chambelanes. In some places, it is also customary for the quinceañera to receive her symbolic last doll, and to change into a pair of high-heeled shoes. All of these rituals and the gifts she receives emphasize her change in status from a girl into a senorita (young woman), and acknowledge her as an adult member of the community. In many communities, it is implied that the quinceañera is now eligible to begin dating.