Generation Y

Generation Y is the group of people born from about 1981 to 1996 in the United States and Canada. Some experts include people born as late as 2000 in the group. Many people also place the group in other countries, such as Australia and the United Kingdom. Generation Y follows Generation X, the group born from 1965 to 1980 (see Generation X ). Members of Generation Y are sometimes called millennials, because they began to reach adulthood in the 2000’s. They are also sometimes called echo boomers, because many of them are the children of baby boomers—that is, people born from 1946 to 1964 (see Baby boom generation ).

The authors Neil Howe and William Strauss were among the first to study Generation Y and compare it to previous generations. In Millennials Rising (2000), they described the group as generally motivated, tolerant, accepting of authority, and community-minded. They claimed the generation has shown less pessimism and self-destructive behavior than previous generations. However, other scholars have expressed different views. Some have characterized Generation Y as self-involved, conformist, and prone to depression and violence.

The years in which Generation Y grew up brought prosperity and steady economic growth to the United States, Canada, and many other countries. Birth numbers began to rise in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Many experts believe society as a whole also began to take a greater interest in children’s issues. The parents of millennials, compared to the parents of previous generations, generally were older and had more education at the time their children were born. In addition, immigration and intermarriage helped make Generation Y a more ethnically diverse group than earlier generations. In general, millennials share a less traditional outlook on issues related to gender and sexuality.

Technology has had a major impact on the development of Generation Y. Many millennials learned to use computers and the internet at an early age, both at home and at school. Most have also had access to such products as cellular telephones, digital video recorders, and electronic devices for playing music and games. The rising popularity of social networking websites has allowed millennials to interact with friends and meet new people in online communities. However, some experts believe the generation’s widespread use of the internet and electronic devices has led to a need for instant gratification—that is, a need to have desires met immediately—and a detachment from society.

Scholars often associate a generation with certain dramatic events that occur during its developing years. For Generation Y, such events include the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995; the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001; the Iraq War (2003-2011); Hurricane Katrina in 2005; and the school shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, in 1999 and at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in 2007. Some experts believe that the violent and unpredictable nature of the school shootings and terrorist attacks have led some millennials to become desensitized to tragedy. However, experts also believe the generation has had a strong desire to take action to address important issues in society, such as violence, poverty, and environmental problems.