Military dog

Military dog is a dog trained for use in warfare. Dogs have a much better sense of smell than do humans. Dogs also have good night vision and excellent hearing. Because of these qualities, armies have long used dogs as sentries. Before telegraph or radio, people used dogs to deliver written messages on the battlefield. Modern armed forces use dogs to sniff out bombs.

The most common breeds of military dogs are German shepherds, Dobermans, and Airedales. Most medium-sized or large sporting dog breeds can be trained for bomb-sniffing. Dogs, like human soldiers, can suffer emotional problems after being exposed to combat.

From a military perspective, a dog’s most valuable ability is its keen sense of smell. Dogs can smell bombs that are difficult or impossible for humans to detect, even with electronic devices. Armed forces can send dogs ahead to find bombs, reducing the risk to human soldiers. Some armies also use dogs on combat patrols. The dogs can smell the presence of enemy soldiers. Sometimes dogs are sent into buildings or bunkers to locate enemies. Highly trained dogs sometimes accompany special forces (small, elite units) on sensitive missions. Such dogs may wear body armor and carry surveillance cameras and other electronic equipment.