
Iowa is a historic United States Navy battleship. It was launched in 1942, during World War II (1939-1945). USS Iowa (BB-61) was one of the fastest and most powerful American battleships ever built. USS stands for United States Ship. BB was the Naval designation for a battleship. Iowa—_sometimes called the “Big Stick”—was the first of the last class of U.S. Navy battleships. The Navy built three more _Iowa-_class battleships: _New Jersey, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

The USS Iowa
The USS Iowa

During World War II, Iowa first patrolled against German warships in the North Atlantic Ocean. In November 1943, the ship carried U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to northern Africa for a conference with Allied leaders. In 1944, Iowa joined the war against Japan in the Pacific Ocean. The battleship provided gunfire support during the U.S. invasions of the Caroline, Mariana, Marshall, and Philippine islands. In July and August 1945, Iowa participated in attacks along the shores of the Japanese islands of Hokkaido and Honshu. The Japanese formally surrendered on September 2. The surrender took place on board USS Missouri, which was anchored near Iowa in Tokyo Bay.

Iowa saw action again during the Korean War (1950-1953), when it supported United Nations forces at Incheon (also called Inchon). Iowa bombarded enemy targets at a number of locations, including Chongjin; Wonsan; Tanchon, Hungnam; and Kojo, near Tongchon.

Iowa was decommissioned (retired) in February 1958. But in 1984, the Navy modernized the ship and recommissioned it with new missile and gun systems. Iowa helped protect oil tankers in the Persian Gulf in early 1988, during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988). On April 19, 1989, during training exercises off the coast of Puerto Rico, an ammunition explosion on Iowa killed 47 crew members.

Iowa was decommissioned for the final time on Oct. 26, 1990. The battleship received nine battle stars for service during World War II and two for service during the Korean War. A battle star is awarded for a ship’s participation in a battle or military campaign. In 2012, Iowa opened as a museum and memorial at the Pacific Battleship Center in the Port of Los Angeles.

See also Battleship ; Missouri ; New Jersey ; Wisconsin ; World War II (The war in Asia and the Pacific) .